News Keep Up With SaSa Art.Com Dear Art Lovers,now the time has come: Stefano Sanna, the artist we manage internationally, will exhibit his works for the first time in Germany. We are happy that we have found a special environment in our hometown with the Galerie...
News Keep Up With SaSa Art.Com The brand new SaSa Partner Art Fusion Galleries in St. Petersburg, Florida/USA is finally opening the doors and we are happy to invite you!The second-largest city in the Tampa Bay Area, which is often referred to by locals as St. Pete,...
News Keep Up With SaSa Art.Com Germany’s modern news magazine “Focus Online” reports exclusively on Stefano Sanna and the special nature of his Metacycling art process. The Kick-Media-Management team met the Sardinian-Swiss artist at his current...
News Keep Up With SaSa Art.Com SaSa Art Gallery invites you cordially to meet the pioneer of Metacycling Art – Stefano Sanna – at his current Exhibition at the Vigne SURRAU in Arzachena/Sardinia. Join us for a glass of wine and get to know more about the...
News Keep Up With SaSa Art.Com Make sure to not miss the opportunity letting yourself be enchanted by the wonderful atmosphere of the Vigne SURRAU winery, where the latest exhibition of SaSa Art Gallery takes place.Enjoy a glass of wine and explore unique Artworks...
News Keep Up With SaSa Art.Com After our successful exhibition in Basel, we are now going to Florence – the city that is synonymous with Art and Culture. The Pioneer of Metacycling Art from Sardinia – Stefano Sanna – is presenting his latest Artworks...
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